ENECTOR with KOSTAL Smart Energy Meter for blackout protection (house connection monitoring)
If the ENECTOR is connected to a KOSTAL Smart Energy Meter and this is only to be used for blackout protection (house connection monitoring), the RS485 interface used must be configured in the KOSTAL Smart Energy Meter.
Only then can the ENECTOR read data from the KOSTAL Smart Energy Meter.
Do this by performing the following steps:
- Call up the online interface of the KOSTAL Smart Energy Meter.
- Call up the Modbus configuration under Modbus settings .
- Activate the RS485 interface connected to the ENECTOR (e.g. RS485 B) .
Select the User-defined value under Presettings and configure the following settings under Advanced.
Parameter | Value |
Interface | RS485 B |
Presetting | User-defined |
Mode | Slave |
Slave address | 2 |
Baud rate | 57600 |
Data bits | 8 |
Parity | None |
Stop bit | 2 |
- Press the Save button to adopt the settings.
- The interface to the ENECTOR has been set up in the KOSTAL Smart Energy Meter.