Type of events

Type of event

General explanation and actions


No action necessary

System fault

If this error is displayed, the inverter should generally be restarted. To do this, use the DC switch to switch the inverter off. Wait 5 minutes before switching it on again. If this does not help, please contact your installer or call our hotline.

Excess temperature

The device has got too hot. Switch the device off for approx. 20 min. If the error occurs several times/persistently, please contact the Support team.

External grid fault

If the error continues to be displayed after some time has passed, please contact your installer or call our hotline.

External generator fault

Please contact your installer

Fan fault

Please contact your installer

Energy meter fault

Please contact your installer

Battery malfunction

Please contact your installer or our Support team

Battery communication fault

Please contact your installer or our Support team

LED statuses

Explanation of the red LED status.




A warning is active

Lit up

An error is active

