Exclusion of liability

Any use that differs from that described in Proper use or goes beyond the stated intended purpose is considered inappropriate. The manufacturer accepts no liability for any damage resulting from this. Modifications to the device are prohibited.

The device may only be used if it is safe to operate and is in a technically perfect condition. Any instance of misuse will result in the termination of the warranty, guarantee and general liability of the manufacturer.



The meter may only be installed, maintained and repaired by a trained and qualified electrician.

The electrician is responsible for ensuring that the applicable standards and regulations are observed and implemented. Work that could affect the electrical power system of the relevant energy supply company at the site of the solar power feed-in may only be carried out by qualified electricians expressly authorised (licensed) by the energy supply company.

This includes changes to the factory-preset parameters.

Only a qualified electrician may open the device. The device must be installed by a trained electrician (according to DIN VDE 1000-10 or BGV A3 accident prevention regulations or an internationally comparable standard) who is responsible for observing the applicable standards and regulations.

Work that could affect the electrical power system of the relevant energy supply company at the site of the solar power feed-in may only be carried out by qualified electricians expressly authorised (licensed) by the energy supply company. This includes changes to the factory-preset parameters. The installer must always observe the regulations of the energy supply company.

Factory settings may only be changed by qualified electrical installers or persons with at least comparable or higher technical qualifications, e.g. trades professionals, technicians or engineers. When doing so, all requirements are to be observed.