Communication settings

WLAN settings



WLAN IP address of the inverter WiFi module.

Select WLAN connection

Selection of WLAN router with password (connection of inverter to WLAN router).

Change local WLAN password

Change the inverter's WLAN password.

By default this is 12345678


LAN settings


IP mode

The option Automatically acquire IP address is activated by default. This means that the inverter obtains its IP address from a DHCP server.

IP address

Enter IP address of inverter.

If the inverter is not allocated an IP address automatically through a DHCP server, the inverter can be configured manually.

The data necessary for configuration, such as IP, subnet mask, router and DNS addresses, can be found on your router/gateway.

Subnet mask

Enter the subnet mask e.g.


Enter the IP address of the router/gateway

Auto DNS

The Auto DNS option is activated by default. This means that inverters can also be addressed using a name instead of an IP address. For this purpose, the IP addresses of the DNS servers must be entered.

DNS server 1

Enter the IP address of the DNS server (Domain Name System)

DNS server 2

Enter the IP address of the backup DNS server (Domain Name System)


RS485 settings


Baud rate

RS485 transmission rate

Data bit

RS485 data bit

Stop bit

RS485 stop bit

Parity bit

RS485 parity bit

Terminating resistor

Activate terminating resistor for the RS485 bus. This must be activated on the last inverter connected to the RS485 bus.

Modbus address

Modbus address


Master/slave settings


Master/slave settings

Select whether the inverter should act as a master (LAN or RS485) or slave. If set as master inverter, information or setting parameters (e.g. during power reduction) are sent to the slave inverters.