Target group

This manual is intended for trained and qualified electricians who are entrusted with installing, maintaining and repairing the device.

The devices described in this manual differ from one another in terms of particular technical details. Information and instructions that only apply to certain device types are identified accordingly.

Information concerning your safety or that of the unit is specifically noted.


As the operator, you are responsible for the device. You are responsible for the proper use and safe use of the device. This also includes instructing people using the device.

As an operator without specialist electrical training, you may only carry out activities that do not require an electrician.


As an electrician, you have recognised electrical engineering training. On the basis of this expertise, you are authorised to carry out the electrical work required in this manual.

Requirements of an electrician:


Some activities in this manual require expertise in electrical engineering. If activities are carried out by someone without the necessary knowledge and qualifications, serious accidents and death may result.